Com' des Enfants is pleased to announce that it has obtained the two stars of the "label RSE agences actives", delivered by theAFNOR. This certification is a concrete sign of the agency's commitment to CSR and rewards the efforts made by the entire team over several months.

- Vision and governance
- Realization of the services
- Human resources and social aspects
- Environmental impact
It is the result of a common goal within the agency that allows us to create a virtuous ecosystem.
By achieving the confirmed level of the CSR label, we are proving our ability to act for a more responsible world, for our teams, for our customers, for our partners and for the environment.
We are proud to have obtained the CSR label and the work we have already accomplished, with the ambition to push our approach even further for future generations.
To learn more about our CSR approach and the reasons for our commitment, read our dedicated article.