Brand Content, Digital, Social Media, Society, Strategic Thinking

Family marketing in 2020


Gone are the days of frozen generations. Today, addressing the family is a long-distance race for brands. This requires understanding and anticipation of constantly evolving behaviors. Com' des Enfants looks back at the current trends that will continue and become more pronounced in the months and years to come.

The customer centric approach: to reach the family, think diversity!

In a world where no two families are alike. Today, a brand only has a maximum of 8 seconds to seduce them all (1). The relevance of the message and the medium is therefore crucial. First of all, we have to think about demographic diversity. Intercultural and intergenerational marketing are not unknown concepts in France, but they remain under-exploited and can make the difference in a competitive sector. Consumption habits and criteria, decision-making powers within the family, behaviors at the point of sale: understanding your audience means being like them and capturing them!

Secondly, there is the question of the diversity of contact points. Certain prejudices lead us to believe that certain generations would be seduced by the all-digital world. And others by all paper. The reality is much more complex, especially when the contact points change during the relationship you have with your customer. The definition of marketing personas and the exploration of these personas are now practices that allow brands to refine their targeting with accuracy and agility. The ambition? An understanding of the customer journey of families to activate the right levers (more than 20 main ones today (2)) and improve its conversion rate.

To convince the family, be recommended (or recommend yourself)!

Did you know? Generations talk to each other, online and offline! For an effective recommendation, two questions need to be answered: what values are important to my customers and prospects? Who is able to defend them and convince my target audience?

Influencers are for example precious allies. They will allow the relay of mass-market products as well as niche products.  

Also, for a brand, building and monitoring its e-reputation (social networks, referencing on apps and search engines, etc.) are also essential to show a clean slate to families who are increasingly aware, demanding and active in their consumption .

Finally, content marketing (blogging, white papers, studies, etc.) is a long-term investment that ensures visibility and awareness, positioning the brand as an expert in its field. Careful content marketing that serves families is shared content marketing!

To maintain the relationship, dialogue!

A successful customer relationship often requires the transformation of your brand into a lovebrand . To become a lovebrand and cross generations, a brand must dialogue with the consumer. How do you do this?

Words: your communication tone, once adapted to your target, can make you a favorite in your sector.

The offer: personalized, scalable and supported by a fair promise. It must create positive interactions with the brand, well before the act of purchase... and after!

The senses: a surprising and rewarding customer experience will be remembered so that your marketing investment converts and builds loyalty!

Com' des Enfants accompanies brands over the long term to ensure that each of their decisions brings ROI.


(1) E-marketing, 2018

(2) Hubspot, 2019



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